
It is almost mandatory to start the new food blogging year with a green detox recipe and some words on how to keep those forever reoccurring resolutions on getting healthier/workout more/loose weight. This year I'm happy to see many food bloggers let go of those pressures and write insightful posts on what health and wellbeing means to them on a deeper level. My experience is that quantifiable goals measured in for example body weight or performances/success often creates more anxiety rather than boosting your confidence and make you happier as probably was the initial idea. Too strict resolutions become hard to keep, and there's nothing worse than unkept promises (I think!).To me, living healthy is about something else. It is a balance between believing in yourself, having meaningful relationships, being mentally present and feeling strong and energized in your body. Put in more cliché words: it's a balance between body and mind. The single most important thing for my wellbeing is having firm routines. And the queen of all routines is breakfast.I can't believe I haven't written more about breakfast in the history of this blog.Common scenario: me telling myself "It's OK to eat breakfast for dinner"...Suffice to say I. love. breakfast.I'm that kind of person who eat the exact same thing for breakfast every day, until I get tired of it and change and then eat that thing for yet another couple of months. I once worked with an artist who told me she used to eat one single dish for every meal of the day for years. At the time it was tacos :'D (wonder if she's changed it now?)This year I'm not aiming to only eat super healthy things or workout this and so many times a week etc. Instead I'm focusing on being very tolerant and overseeing with myself, because I know I can often be too hard on myself and expect too much. I have healthy routines such as breakfast firmly rooted in my everyday life already, and for that I am grateful. Sometimes it's alright to be content. Everything doesn't always have to be "better" or "more". And what difference does it really make if I go out and drink beer once in a while, give in to the licorice/chocolate craving or skip yoga when I'm not up for it? I think I can safely say that the only thing I will bring with me into the future from those nights out dancing or that indulgent movie night is a couple of happy memories. The hangovers tend to be forgotten fairly quickly ; ) (yes there is such a thing as food hangover too)But of course, I like to feel healthy in my body and stay away from colds etc. so food is truly my medicine.For having made this granola so many times, I'm almost embarrassed to say how insecure I feel about the measurements. I don't understand how hard it can be to just use a measuring cup and write down how much of each thing I'm using?? No, I always have to add "just a little bit more" or "a dash of" this and that *sigh*. I never.learn. It's like the cooking is in my body and not my mind. I sort of feel how I use to do it, but I can't describe it. Anyway this recipe is no rocket science. It's not like we're making french macarons.I always have a batch of this granola ready to eat with oat or almond milk, oatmeal, chia pudding, smoothies or sometimes even on top of salads for a little crunch. Sometimes I make a double batch of the dry ingredients and store half of it in a glass jar ready to be mixed with coconut oil and honey and toasted in the oven at a later time. You can add whatever nuts, seeds and dried fruit you prefer. This time I just took what I happened to have at home.The whole buckwheat gives the granola an amazing crunchiness, and the sesame seeds is my secret ingredient! Their rich flavor when toasted brings this granola to another level <3 Besides from that, it's the usual stuff. Oats, coconut, raisins, nuts, etc.Side note: my apartment always smells like this granola.This recipe can easily be made vegan by switching honey for agave syrup (use a little less than what the recipe calls for), or gluten-free by using gluten-free oats.Everyday Granolamakes one large jar

2,5 dl / 1 cup rolled oats (use gluten free if you're sensitive)0,8 dl / 1/3 cup whole buckwheat0,6 dl / 1/4 cup pepitas0,6 dl / 1/4 cup sunflower seeds0,6 dl / 1/4 cup almonds0,6 dl / 1/4 cup cashew nuts2 tbsp sesame seeds1/2 tbsp ground cinnamon1 tsp ground cardamom1/2 tsp sea or mountain salt1/2 tsp pure vanilla powder1/4 tsp ground clove

3-4 tbsp honey (or maple syrup)5 tbsp coconut oil


To be added after toasting:1,2 dl / 1/2 cup dried fruit, I used raisins and cranberries0,6 dl / 1/4 cup coconut shavings2 tbsp chia seeds or hemp seed (can be omitted)Directions:1. Heat oven to 175'C / 345'F.2. Coarsely chop nuts. Combine together with the rest of the dry ingredients (except dried fruit, coconut, chia and hemp seeds) and spices in a bowl. Carefully heat coconut oil and honey in a sauce pan until runny. Pour over the dry mixture and stir until well combined. If it feels too dry, take a little more coconut oil. The granola should be all covered and sticky.3. Pour mixture onto a baking tray or ramekin covered in parchment paper. Spread out. Bake in the middle of the oven for around 30-40 minutes, folding it every 10th minute or so. The time will vary depending on your oven! Mine is, as I've pointed out before, a slow and crappy gas oven, so the granola might be ready much faster for you! Keep a close look out so you don't burn the granola. It should be golden when done. Don't worry if it's still sticky. It will dry once cooled.4. Let cool completely before adding dried fruits, coconut etc. Store in glass jar in room temperature. Lasts for a week. Enjoy!Psst! If in a hurry (for example in the morning right before breakfast), try making instant granola in a skillet instead! I do this more often than I want to admit... Halve the recipe and stir-fry on medium low heat until crispy and golden. It is a lovely and therapeutic morning task, I can tell you. xx AgnesPs. While we're talking breakfast: this morning I was inspired by Linda Lomelino to make Lemon & Ricotta Pancakes (recipe from her instagram). I really liked the photo so decided to post it here :) Can strongly recommend you make these! SO yummy <3All photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Please link back to me and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!