Freelance Monday + December Dedications

December Dedications | Cashew Kitchen
Winter | Cashew Kitchen_1289

Hi kids! Did you have a good weekend?Mine was busy as heck (not something I'm gonna brag about though). Last night when I came home from my extra job, I was DONE. I was so incredibly socially overwhelmed that I couldn't even stand to SENSE another person's presence without almost loosing my mind. That's how it is to be a highly sensitive introvert sometimes, when you're not taking care of yourself or being mindful enough with where you spend your energy.Poor Hannah got left alone in our (currently freezing) bedroom after I stormed out roaring  "I NEED TO BE ALONE!!", whereupon I collapsed in the spare bedroom and slept for 10 hours straight (waking up with my pyjama pants tangled around my neck?? *side note*).Today I'm just as tired as yesterday, if not more, so the only way I can stay awake long enough to write this is by chugging mugs of coffee and keeping a sugary chocolate bar very close at hand, at all times.It takes time for me to recover from extreme overwhelm. Like, weeks. And lately I've spent almost every day around people in busy environments in various ways. Very soon my whole work situation is gonna change considerably, but that is something I'm saving for another blog post.Today I wanted to let you know that I've decided to put Freelance Monday on hold until January 9th.For the sake of my own sanity, I need a little extra Monday space to steer this ship in the right direction. I need to once and for all learn how to live and thrive as the irrevocable HSP I am.But that doesn't mean I'm gonna spend Mondays on the couch. No, I'm way too restless for that. I have a TONNE of business and blog related stuff I wanna learn more about, and I feel like this is the time for stepping up my game and figure out how I can produce truly meaningful content in a way that enables me to thrive, creatively.

Here are some things I dedicate December to:

  • Get to know you guys better. Honestly, every time one of you answer an email I've sent out through Cashew Kitchen Letters, my heart jumps. I'm so curious about your backgrounds and life and passions and values, so I soak up every word (and spend a good amount of time writing you back).

  • So that I can give you what you want and need. Let's face it, I'm mostly here because of you. This is only meaningful to me if I can inspire, uplift and empower you to follow your dreams and live an overall good and delicious life.

  • Give this blog a serious makeover. Cuz it's about time.

  • Strengthen my online presence. Be out and about, network, pitch ideas and build some serious, long term relationships.

  • Focus. Only spending time and energy on what truly matters, and acknowledge that I'm the one who decide what matters. No one is forcing me to do anything. Quite a liberating thought, huh?

Winter | Cashew Kitchen
Winter | Cashew Kitchen

What are your #DecemberDedications? The freelance related topics are my favorite things to write about, so even if Freelance Monday won't be here in the same shape or frequency for a while, I will of course still be blogging! About recipes and creativity and work and life and stuff. That's like the core of all this, and therefore at the top of my priorities. Whenever I discover something incredibly useful, you bet I'll be sharing it. Cause I want you with me in this process <3Come January, I expect to have learnt heaps of new things that will fuel my fire and transform it into a passionate explosion. Yes, I expect big things to happen, but I also invest massively and work insanely hard. To me, that is the only way to "make it happen".Winter is an ideal time for me to get some real, life changing stuff done. When the snow quietly settles and puts nature to sleep, and everyone around me falls into a kind of dull laziness, a state of waiting, that's when I find the space to be creative.In the past I've isolated myself and thrived in secret. This winter I don't wanna do that. I want us to keep this community alive and warm and buzzing with inspiration. Best ways to stay connected to what's going on is to like the Facebook page and follow me on Instagram. You can also add Cashew Kitchen to your Bloglovin feed, to never miss a post. And then there's of course my baby, the email club. The place where I share my most vulnerable self. Join the club and get bonus content straight from my heart <3Now I'm gonna go cook a delicious stir-fry and watch Westworld with my love, in an attempt to make up for my horrible mood last night...Wishing you a relaxing evening!xoAgnesAll photographs, recipes and content is Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Feel free to go wild on pinning, but always link back here and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!